Motorola/Symbol MC9090 Stuck on boot screen
Motorola/Symbol MC9090 Stuck on boot screen
Do you have a Motorola/Symbol MC9090 Stuck on boot screen? While this device is a rugged sturdy handheld device, this is a common issue with this model. However, there are simple resolutions for these issues. It can be caused by a few things. If the trigger is being pulled while the battery is being inserted, the device will start to look for a SD card to load files from. This can be fixed by following these steps. Other times the device will actually lock up at that screen. There is also a simple fix for this. We have written an article with the files needed to resolve this issue. Please note: these files will erase some files not installed to the Application folder.
If this post did not solve your problem, let BCTP help. We offer free evaluations on all barcode equipment. Simply follow the four easy steps below to get started.
1.Fill out this form to have us contact you, or call 888-317-3440 to reach us directly for a service order
2. Ship your device to us (customer pays for shipping)
3. You will quickly receive a quote to repair your device
4. You decide if you want to have it repaired or returned with no cost to you. (customer must pay shipping)
*All items will be shipped to our Plano, Texas location.