Symbol / Motorola MC9090 cold boot – How to

Symbol / Motorola MC9090 cold boot – How to

When you cold boot your Symbol  / Motorola MC9090 mobile computer you are completely setting it back to manufacturer settings. Try doing a warm boot first so you can save your settings and data.

To complete a cold boot, follow the steps below:

  • Press the main battery release on the Symbol / Motorla MC9090 mobile computer to partially eject the battery from the mobile computer
  • On your MC9090 mobile computer, while the battery is partially released,  press and hold the trigger and the Power button at the same time.
    **Do not press any other buttons during this time.**
  • Reinsert the battery, wait for the light to flash on the keypad, release the power and trigger and wait for the device to boot up.
  • You have completed the cold boot on the Symbol  / Motorola MC9090.
  • If your device begins restarting several times, you have held the trigger for too long and need to restart the process.

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