Symbol / Motorola MC9090 Backup battery low
Symbol / Motorola MC9090 Backup battery low
If your device is displaying this message, usually that means it needs to be replaced. This battery is an internal part and it is recommended that this part be replaced by someone experienced in repairing this equipment. This isn’t always the case though. The backup battery charges from the main battery. If the main battery doesn’t have a decent charge or is close to end of life, it cannot charge the backup battery. The best way to test if the backup battery is dead or low on charge is to leave both the device with main battery inserted in the cradle powered off over night. You can then check the status of the charge by navigating to Start>Settings>System>Power. Here you will be able to see the status of both batteries. If, after charging over night, the backup battery still shows low you should contact us for a quote to replace the backup battery.
If your Symbol / Motorola MC9090 is having problems, please fill out this form to have us contact you, or call 888.317.3440 to arrange a free consultation.
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